Page 10 - Report to the Community - 2015-2017
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The Gold STAMP Program to Reduce Pressure Ulcers
A coalition of organizations, the Empire Quality Target Audience includes administrators; direct
Partners, EQP including NYSHFA, convened in New care staff including RNs, LPNs, PHNs, CWONs,
York State to provide resources and education across MDs, PAs, NPs, nutritionists, PTs, health care educators,
the continuum of care to improve the assessment, and hospice staff working in hospitals, nursing homes,
management and prevention of pressure ulcers. long term care programs, and home care. The FQC
secured funding for the Gold STAMP program from the
The goals of the Gold STAMP New York State Health Foundation for 2011-2013, in
Program are to: addition funding has been provided by the New York
State Department of Health under the Medicaid Re-
• Provide and promote the use of design Team and continued into 2017. This program
information, education and standardized established cross setting collaboratives involving 40
FQC’s Customer Satifsfaction project was successful in all practices for pressure ulcer assessment, health care organizations that resulted in the percent-
management and prevention across the age of high-risk residents with pressure ulcers in long
35 participating nursing homes. Benefiting 3737 residents
continuum of care. stay residents declining from 8% to 6.1% in 21 months.
and 1563 family members. The impact on all residents was a decrease from 13%
• Promote collaboration and communication to 7.2%. This decrease in incidence of pressure ulcers
within and throughout the continuum of has sustained into 2017. The FQC has continued to
care and other key stakeholders related to support this effort and provided webinars and updates
pressure ulcer assessment, management to the website resource materials throughout 2017.
and prevention.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Project Sustainable Resources:
• Provide strategic direction and support
Website resources for Gold STAMP:
The New York State Department of Health contracted the results of the first year survey into their Quality for pressure ulcer performance
with the FQC to implement improvements for nursing Improvement Performance Improvement Processes improvement.
home residents in response to customer satisfaction allowing facilities to respond and measure their efforts
survey results. The FQC partnered with the National to address resident and family input. The project was • Promote and expand engagement of
Research Corporation to implement the My InnerView successful in the 35 participating nursing homes. hospitals, nursing homes and home care
customer satisfaction tool for 3737 residents and 1563 Participating facilities’ outcomes included overall suc- agencies in Gold STAMP principles.
family members in 35 nursing homes. Outcomes from cess with increasing overall satisfaction as well as family
the surveys were the driving forces for the quality initia- and resident willingness to recommend the facility. • Promote and expand engagement of
tives steps taken. The project used a written survey, Additionally, the pilot group indicated that the proj- physicians and other advanced practice
in-person interviews, resident survey assistance, and ect supported the development of improved problem clinicians/professionals in Gold STAMP
family surveys, so that those who may have commu- solving, root cause analysis and effective use of Perfor-
nication challenges could still have a voice. The pilot mance Improvement Project (PIP) teams. The FQC
spanned two years (2016 and 2017) providing the res- has submitted a new proposal to the New York State
idents and families the opportunity to provide anony- Department of Health to support a three year
mous input to their facility caregivers. With the support expansion of this pilot in 2018.
of content expert coaches, the facilities integrated